Many great people and organizations have furthered our understanding of how people learn and how to teach effectively in various contexts, but there are some who shine brightly and inspire others to take up the challenge of improving the world of education. They inspire us to always question and try to improve the ways in which we learn and teach ourselves and others; to never settle for an existing method or technology just because it is easier or because it's established. From brain scientists to doctors, to educators, content developers, and learning communities, the ways in which we approach learning and teaching have been transformed in the 21st century. The internet, social media, and new technologies, such as smart phones and tablet devices, have made us more connected to others, and to information, than ever before in human history.
This page is all about celebrating the people, organizations, and ideas that have inspired new ways of thinking about one of the oldest, and distinctively human, questions in recorded history:
How do people learn, and how should we teach them?
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.